Core Clinical Program
Core Clinical Services is one of the supports through the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) for children and youth with autism and registered in the OAP. Based on your child’s individual needs, OAP core clinical services may include applied behaviour analysis, speech language pathology, occupational therapy, and mental health supports. A family registered with the OAP may receive core clinical funding for core clinical services.
The Children’s Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent (CTC-CK) is happy to be an option for use of core clinical funding through our Client Funded Service program. The CTC-CK is proud to offer three services available for purchase. These services include:
- Speech Language Pathology
- Occupational Therapy
- Behaviour Services
A Care Coordinator from AccessOAP will guide you through a process called “Determination of Needs.” This process includes identifying your child’s strengths, goals, and support needs, allocating funding to purchase core clinical services, and supporting your family with the next steps to access the core clinical services you choose for your child.
The Care Coordinator will ask questions to better understand your child’s goals, strengths, and support needs in ten domains, including:
- Communication—how individuals communicate and understand others to meaningfully participate in activities of daily life.
- Social interaction—how individuals participate in social situations, shared activities, and interactions with others (groups, peers, new settings).
- Play and leisure—how individuals engage in play and recreation, independently and with others.
- Activities of daily living—how individuals complete daily tasks, such as getting dressed and eating.
- Motor skills—how individuals participate in activities that involve using fine motor skills, gross motor skills, and coordinating their movements such as writing and walking.
- Cognitive skills—how individuals follow instructions, concentrate, and solve problems.
- Sensory system—how individuals manage reactions to stimuli.
- Interfering behaviours—how individuals manage behaviours that may impact their ability to participate safely in activities of daily life.
- Mental health—how individuals manage nees that impact their daily functioning and capacity to meaningfully participate and enjoy daily life.
- Adaptability and resilience—how individuals manage needs related to being flexible and resilient in daily life.
In addition to the 10 domains, the AccessOAP Care Coordinators will consider other factors such as developmental stages, life stages, co-existing health factors and environmental factors.
Based on the results of the Determination of Needs process, the OAP Care Coordinators will identify your child’s support needs. The amount of funding that your family can use to purchase OAP core clinical services will be determined by the OAP Care Coordinator. This will be done on a yearly basis to best meet your child’s changing support needs.
Registering for Core Clinical Services
Once you receive your funding allocation for OAP Core Clinical Services, you can choose which organization and clinician you would like to work with to develop goals, strategies, and a plan for your child.
The CTC-CK is proud to be an option for use of core clinical funding through our Client Funded Services program, which includes Speech Language Pathology, Occupational Therapy, and Behaviour Services available for purchase.
To learn more please contact:
- Phone – 519-354-0520
- Website – Client Funded Services