Physiotherapy – Preschool
Physiotherapists (PT) and Physiotherapy Assistants (PTA) work with children/ youth and their families to develop their posture, range of motion, strength and movement skills like rolling, crawling, sitting standing, walking, and running. They also recommend/prescribe equipment and offer activity suggestions to increase strength, stretch muscles, gain endurance, and improve movement, balance, coordination, and fitness.
Who We Are:
Physiotherapists (PT) are regulated healthcare professionals who work with Physiotherapy Assistants (PTA) to improve and help children/youth reach their movement milestones.
PTs have a master’s degree or equivalent qualification and must be registered with the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario. PTAs have a post-secondary diploma and provide therapy under the supervision of a physiotherapist.
What We Provide:
Physiotherapists and Physiotherapy Assistants may provide:
- Assessments which may include a review of your child’s history, a clinical observation of your child’s skills, a standardized test, and caregiver observations/ interviews.
- PTs work with the family to identify goals that are important to the child and their caregivers
- Goals may include:
- Independent mobility
- Gross motor developmental milestones
- Improving posture
- Increasing endurance
- Developing balance and coordination
- Minimizing/ preventing unwanted movement patterns
- Rehabilitation of function following surgical intervention
- Goals may include:
- Individual and/or group therapy sessions
- Consultation and home programming for the family
- Consultation and recommendations to school teams and community partners
- Equipment assessments
Learn More About:
Baby Follow-Up Program
The Baby Follow-Up program is a motor screening program for infants born premature (less than 37 weeks), low birth weight, or has medical needs at birth. This program is run in partnership with the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance and our physiotherapists at the Children’s Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent (CTC-CK).
Designated staff from the Physiotherapy Department at the CTC-CK will contact families upon referral to schedule an initial assessment and/or provide parents/ caregivers with information based on child’s current needs. Initial assessment will occur at one month corrected age (age they would have been if born full-term ie born 2 weeks early, then would be ready for assessment at one month and two weeks of age) unless intervention is required earlier based on the child’s current needs.
Follow-up will then occur every three to four months until the child is independently walking, unless it is determined that more frequent intervention is required.
Babies can be referred by their doctor, specialist, or the family can self-refer.
Watch Me Grow Program
The Watch Me Grow program is for children ages 18 months of age and a continuation of our developmental monitoring program for babies born premature (less than 37 weeks), low birth weight, or had medical needs at birth and may have been in our Baby Follow-Up program.
The Watch Me Grow team consists of a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, and speech and language pathologist.
An initial screening is booked at 18 months of age and based on the screening outcome, follow up is planned for 3, 6, or 12 months up until the client is 6 years of age or entering grade one.
If it is determined during a screening that additional support is required for either physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and/ or speech and language therapy, the child will receive services based on their need.
Families can self-refer if they have developmental concerns and a history of prematurity and/or an internal referral will take place.
Freedom Riders Program
The Freedom Riders Adapted Bicycle Loan Program provides an opportunity for clients of the Children’s Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent to participate in bike riding activities.
The bicycles in the fleet are specialized and come with adaptations and built-in features to be accessible.
The bicycles are available for loan from June through August, for use at home, on a first come/ first served basis. There is a program fee of $50.00 and a deposit of $100.00 required to loan a bicycle. The deposit is returned to your family upon the return of the loaned bicycle in good condition. The program fee covers the cost of maintenance and delivery.
Some of our bicycles are loaned to schools from September to June.
If you are interested in loaning an adapted bicycle or have questions about the Freedom Riders Program, please reach out to your child’s therapist or call the Centre, 519-354-0520.
How to Refer:
For children ages 0-6 years, referrals can be completed by service providers, schools, or the family can self-refer.
Physiotherapy – School Age

The School Based Rehabilitation Services (SBRS) program provides Physiotherapy (PT) for students grades 1-12, in the following publicly funded school boards: Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB), St. Clair Catholic District School Board (SCCDSB), and Conseil scolairecatholique Providence.
The consultative therapy support provided aims to build capacity within the student, family, and school staff to implement strategies and recommendations that will support the student’s learning, function, and participation at school.
Who We Are:
Physiotherapists (PT) have a university degree or master’s degree and must be registered with the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario. Physiotherapy Assistants (PTA) have a post-secondary diploma and provide therapy under the supervision of a physiotherapist.
What We Provide:
School Based Physiotherapy focuses on functional school-based goals. PT services help to ensure the student can participate to the best of their ability during their school day.
Physiotherapists consult with parents, teachers, and other school staff on a regular basis.
PT services may include:
- Ensuring safe participation in gym class, the playground, and overall school environment,
- Mobility equipment needs,
- Irregular gait or running patterns,
- Balance concerns,
- Gross motor skills,
How to Refer:
For school-aged children and youth (those who are grade one eligible up to 21 if they are still actively in high school), referrals need to be completed by the school. A referral can be completed by your school principal.
Please speak with your child/ youth’s current therapy team or school principal if you are interested in being referred or contact the Centre, 519-354-0520.