Music Therapy
Music Therapy
Music therapy is a clinical, evidence-based therapy that uses music to accomplish individualized goals. Music therapy uses music purposefully within therapeutic relationships to support development, health, and well-being in children and youth.
Who We Are:
Music Therapists are allied healthcare professionals who have a bachelor’s degree in music therapy (BMT). Music Therapists use music purposefully within therapeutic relationships to support development, health, and well-being.
What We Provide:
Our music therapist can help with:
- Clinical, evidence-based therapy that uses music to accomplish individualized goals
- Music therapy strategies to work towards Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, or Speech and Language Therapy goals
- Strategies include singing, playing instruments, moving to music, listening, and songwriting
- One-on-one or joint sessions with the referring therapist
How to Refer:
Music therapy services are only available to children who are active clients on the CTC-CK caseload. Please speak with your child’s therapy team directly if you are interested in being referred.