Specialty Clinics
The Children’s Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent (CTC-CK) Specialized Clinics connect children and their families to medical specialists who assess and consult with clients/ families and clinical staff right here in Chatham-Kent.
The CTC-CK offers the following specialized medical clinics:
- Developmental Paediatrician Clinic
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Assessment Clinic
CTC-CK children and youth continue to have their family physician, local healthcare provider, and/or paediatrician maintain responsibility for their medical care.
Developmental Paediatrician Clinic
This clinic includes a developmental paediatrician and uses a multidisciplinary approach to assess young children with complex neurodevelopmental concerns.
The clinic may assist with:
- Facilitating a diagnosis
- Referrals for further assessments
- Investigations and services
- Planning therapy and/or individual’s goals at the CTC-CK
Who We Serve:
The clinic is for eligible CTC-CK clients whose therapists are requesting a consultation with a Developmental Paediatrician.
Clients with suspected Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, suspected Autism Spectrum Disorder, or a suspected learning disorder are not appropriate for this clinic.
What to Expect:
Steps in the Developmental Paediatrician Clinic process may include:
- Providing additional information about your child including completing questionnaires about your child’s development.
- A consultation appointment that takes place at the CTC-CK and is typically 1-2 hours in length.
- Clients, caregivers, and your CTC-CK therapy team members attend the appointment.
- Recommended follow up service is completed with your local health care provider.
How to Refer:
Please speak with your child’s CTC-CK clinician. Referrals are completed internally by your child’s team. No outside referrals are accepted for this clinic.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Assessment Clinic
The Children’s Treatment Centre of Chatham-Kent (CTC-CK) partners with McMaster Children’s Hospital to provide an Autism Assessment Clinic in Chatham for children 0-6 years of age.
The ASD Assessment Clinic at the CTC-CK includes a local paediatrician, your child’s CTC-CK therapists, and an Autism Clinic Coordinator.
Who We Serve:
The ASD Assessment Clinic is for those children 0-6 years of age who may be suspected of having Autism Spectrum Disorder.
What to Expect:
Steps in the ASD Assessment Clinic process may include:
- Providing additional information about your child including completing additional assessments with your CTC-CK therapists.
- Clinic appointments that take place at the CTC-CK and are typically 1-2 hours in length.
- Clients and caregivers attend the appointment.
- Your child’s CTC-CK therapists will share information about your child’s strengths and needs.
- Recommended follow up service is completed with your local health care provider.
After your appointment, the Autism Clinic Coordinator will meet with you to answer questions, review next steps, and share information.
How to Refer:
Referrals to the ASD Assessment Clinic in Chatham are processed through McMaster Children’s Hospital. The McMaster Children’s Hospital manages the ASD Diagnostic Clinics in the West Region of Ontario.
For information about ASD Diagnostic Clinics in the West Region and the referral process, visit the ASD Diagnostic Hub.
To have your child assessed at the ASD Assessment Clinic in Chatham, you need a referral to the ASD Diagnostic Hub for the West Region of Ontario, located at McMaster Children’s Hospital.
Talk to your primary health care provider or paediatrician about a referral.